In today's world, we often find ourselves surrounded by products that are designed to be disposable. From electronics to clothing to shoes, many items are intended to be used briefly and then discarded. However, this throwaway culture is not sustainable and has a significant impact on the environment. Throwaway culture is, in fact, drowning us in waste.

The throwaway culture blinds us because we don’t stop and think about where things are produced, under which conditions and how do these affect the environment and the communities.
As history goes, we'll look back at today from the future aghast at how extreme this behavior became before we course-corrected to more sustainable behaviors.
Attention and shifts to circular economies are happening already and should be both recognized and celebrated. However, real movement needs to come from individuals in the aggregate as opposed to corporate initiatives alone.
What individuals can do to make an impact? Think more about repair.
Nowadays, repair can so often be an afterthought or something that isn't even considered. This is a very recent occurrence enabled by the conveniences of consumerism and fast fashion. But going back to the point made above, how we don’t stop and think about where things are produced, under which conditions and how do these affect the environment and the communities... we need to stop and think. Think more about repair.
Repairing products rather than recycling or throwing them away is a better option.
And not only is repair the better option, it's usually also the cheaper one.
The problem is that repair has not been the easiest option, especially compared to the immediate satisfaction of an online order or the adrenaline rush of getting a new item on sale. But with Coblrshop, we're changing this. It is time to modernize repair and make more sustainable fashion decisions.
With Coblrshop, access to repair is just as easy as expected access to anything else! Now, in addition to better and cheaper, repair can also be the easiest option too.
Change will be slow but we're optimistic that little by little, our mission to revive repair will have a considerable positive impact on the environment and our daily lives.
So think twice next time you're considering an impulse buy or toss. Then take a moment to think about repair and make more sustainable fashion decisions. You'll be better for it and so will the planet.